Coastline’s mission is to be a trusted provider of resources and services that support self-determination and community well-being.

Every day our goal is to help you or your loved one access programs such as Meals on Wheels, homemaking services, and personal care attendants that allow you to continue living at home, independently.

When you call our Information & Referral Department, you will be asked a series of questions, and based on your answers our Intake Specialists will either refer you to a program at Coastline or to another community organization that can meet your needs.

We encourage you to call Coastline and speak with our Intake Specialists. There are so many different programs offered by Coastline and other community organizations that our Intake Specialists are knowledgeable of, and they will act as your guide.

Mission: To be a trusted provider of resources and services that support self-determination and community well-being.

Vision: We believe that every person should have the resources and services needed to live in our community.

Values: Integrity, Professionalism, Shared Vision, Teamwork, Transforming the Culture, Advocacy, Service, Excellence, Trust/Empowerment, Customer Satisfaction