Coastline Elderly Services, Inc. (Coastline) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that develops, provides, and coordinates a range of home care services designed to support and maintain the independent living of older adults within the community. In some of our programs we are able to serve adults with disabilities.

Coastline exists to improve the quality of life for older adults who reside within its eight-town planning and service area, which covers those living throughout New Bedford, Acushnet, Dartmouth, Fairhaven, Gosnold, Marion, Mattapoisett, and Rochester. We assist our community in securing maximum independence in the planning and management of their own lives.

Coastline Elderly Services, Inc. also has been designated as one of 21 Area Agencies on Aging within the state and 618 such agencies across the country. Under the federal Older Americans Act, Coastline, as an Area Agency on Aging, is responsible for the development of a comprehensive, coordinated system of services and benefits for all older adults. It also serves as the advocate and focal point for older adults in the communities served by the agency.

In addition, Coastline is designated as one of 25 Aging Service Access Points in the Commonwealth. As an Aging Service Access Point (ASAP), the agency’s primary goal is to assist older adults and others in securing and maintaining maximum independence in their home or in a community environment.

Coastline carries out its ASAP role by coordinating a variety of in-home services to frail older adults through our case management system. Coastline works closely with social and home health agencies in the community to identify gaps in services and to develop the capacity to provide needed programs and services to older adults and others who reside in the service area. Some of these services are provided directly by Coastline; however, most services are provided by agencies in the community under contracts and grants awarded by Coastline, with funding that comes primarily from the Massachusetts Executive Office of Elder Affairs.


  • preventing or postponing the need for institutional care,
  • facilitating the return home after an institutional stay,
  • advocating for older adults and people with disabilities,
  • funding local projects and providing support to local Councils on Aging and Senior Centers.

Coastline Elderly Services, Inc., an Aging Services Access Point./Area Agency on Aging is funded in part by the federal Older Americans Act, the Massachusetts Executive Office of Elder Affairs, the Division of Medical Assistance, and other sources both public and private. Coastline is operated by a local volunteer Board of Directors, a majority of whom, by law, are elders. The agency is an EEO/AA employer, and does not discriminate in program admissions, access, services, or employment practices.

Coastline is a member of Mass Home Care. For more information on Mass Home Care, click here: masshomecare.org.

Coastline is also a member of Care Coordinate, a statewide network that provides access to high-quality and cost-effective home and community-based services. For more information on the Care Coordinate, click here: www.carecoordinate.com

Coastline is part of an Aging and Disability Resource Consortium (ADRC), which is a collaboration between two key networks, Aging Services Access Points (ASAP) and Independent Living Centers (ILCs) that serve people of all ages with disabilities. The ADRC provides consumers, regardless of age, disability, or income, with access to information and referral services, and assists them with decision support, service planning and consumer-directed options regarding their choices of services and supports. As a member of the Southeastern MA ADRC we operate under a “NO WRONG DOOR” policy. We work together to connect you with services and supports to help you live independently in the community.

Coastline Elderly Services, Inc., does not deny delivery of service to any person on the basis of age, color, religion, gender, national origin, ancestry, physical/mental handicaps, and sexual preference, who otherwise meets the eligibility criteria for the respective programs.

Join us for the September Soiree on Sept. 20—grab your tickets now!