Supporting Your Independence


Our Home Care program encompasses services that can support your independence and well-being in the community. We have constructed a network of compassionate, professional Care Managers, Registered Nurses and home care providers to assist. A Care Manager will visit with you to assess your needs and assist in designing a service plan that would be most beneficial to you.

Home Care Services We Offer:

  • Homemaking Service – Trained individuals can help you with light housework, including dusting, vacuuming, changing bed linens, cleaning the bathroom, or washing the floors.
  • Laundry– You can have your clothes picked up, washed, dried, folded, wrapped, and returned.
  • Grocery shopping– If authorized a Homemaker will go to one store and purchase all your groceries on your list and return back to your home with change and receipt and put the groceries away for you.
  • Personal Care/Home Health Aide– Coastline’s Registered Nurses will assess your eligibility to have a Personal Care or Home Health Aide help you with bathing and/or dressing.
  • Home Delivered Meals –Our Meals on Wheels program can provide you with hot, nutritious meals five days a week if you are unable to attend one of our meal sites.
  • Personal Emergency Response System – If you are in need of emergency help in your home, but unable to call for help, you can choose a device to wear around your neck or wrist for you to push for safety personnel to arrive.
  • Medical Transportation – This service is very limited, and all other resources must be exhausted before medical transportation is available.
  • Supportive Day Programs – These programs are available to you or your family member if you need daytime supervision outside of your home. Supportive day programs are designed to stimulate social interaction and physical and mental exercise, and they accomplish this through planned recreational and social activities. Participants also receive meals and snacks. Transportation is available at times.
  • Adult Day Health – If you meet certain medical criteria, you can attend Adult Day Health for assistance with health care and supervision, restorative services and socialization for individuals who require skilled nursing or therapy, or assistance with Activities of Daily Living, nutrition, and personal care.
  • Respite Care – We can provide some services from the above list for individuals, so that their Caregivers can receive some relief from 24 hour daily responsibilities.

You can receive services regardless of your income level, and the fees are based on a sliding scale. If you are considered low-income, are 60 years or older (or have received a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease, regardless of your age), and have received a medical diagnosis that interferes with your activities of daily living, some of these services may be free or very low cost.

Please contact our Information & Referral Department at 508-999-6400.

Join us for the September Soiree on Sept. 20—grab your tickets now!