Community Services

Each year Coastline funds numerous programs that meet the needs of older adults living throughout New Bedford, Acushnet, Dartmouth, Fairhaven, Gosnold, Marion, Mattapoisett, and Rochester. These organizations are funded to provide older adults and their caregivers with supplemental programs that address their mental and physical well-being, socialization and transportation needs. Most programs are open to individuals age 60 or older; some programs are open to individuals age 55 and older.

Wellness Programs

Acushnet COA/Strong Women. Strong Bones

Program focuses on core strengthening and balance along with limited weight bearing exercise. Contact: 508-998-0280

Buzzards Bay Speech Therapy/Self-Improvement Classes for Adults

Provides self-improvement classes to address a variety of cognitive communication changes seen in typical aging as well as neurological disorders. Contact: 508-326-0353

DEAF, Inc. – Senior Support Services

Older adults will receive assistive technology assessment, support to apply for the assistive technology they need for hard of hearing and late deafened older adults.  Contact:  617-505-4819

Gosnold COA/Health Services for our Community

This program is a walk-in center to help, give advice, check on medications, nutrition, blood pressure, and coordinate with New Bedford for referrals. Contact 508-990-7408

Marion Council on Aging – Tai Chi

Beginners are introduced to the 22 movement, Wu Style short form, and the fundamental principles of good posture, deep breathing and relaxation. Contact: 508-748-3570

Mobile Dental Hygiene Services

Public Health Dental Hygienists provide dental cleanings, screenings, oral health, information and education. Contact: 508-827-6725

Rochester COA/Stepping and Stretching

This exercise program addresses the physical and emotional needs of older adults recovering from medical issues.
Contact 508-763-8723

YWCA of Southeastern Mass

ENCORE Plus works to reduce the number of women who die from breast and cervical cancer by providing referral services to clinical breast exams, pap tests, pelvic exams, and mammograms. Contact: 508-999-3255

Outreach and Socialization

New Bedford Art Museum - Creative Care Program

Program to engage older adults in meaningful art by delivering kits containing curated art lessons to locations selected by Coastline. Contact: 508-961-3072

YWCA of Southeastern Mass/ Widowed

The Widowed Person Program holds support groups and one-on-one emotional support for newly widowed elders going through the grieving process. Contact: 508-999-3255

Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe/The Time of Those Who Are Revered

This program identifies and provides transportation services for Tribal elders from Greater New Bedford to the community meeting room in Mashpee for socialization. Contact: 508-477-5800


Supportive Social Day Programs - Fairhaven and New Bedford COA

The program provides respite and transportation for elders in Social Day programs. Contact Fairhaven: 508-979-4029; Contact New Bedford: 508-961-3100.

Greater New Bedford Adult Day Health Care (Project Independence)

This program ensures caregivers receive respite by providing adult day health services for elders. Contact 508-997-1441


Community Connections/Medical, Social & Recreational Transportation

Provides older adults with transportation to and from medical appointments and social trips, and provides escort services.
Contact 508-990-8194

Dartmouth Council on Aging

Transportation services to Dartmouth residents  for doctor appointments, errands, congregate meal site. Contact: 508-999-4747.

MO LIFE/Family Caregiver Transportation

This program provides medical transportation specifically for older adults and their caregivers. Contact 508-992-5978

New Bedford COA Transportation

The Council provides transportation to local and long distance medical appointments and shopping excursions. Contact 508-991-6253

Legal Services

South Coastal Counties Legal Services/Senior Law Project

This organization provides older adults with legal representation in the courts and before administrative bodies including the Social Security Administration. This organization also provides older adults with counsel and advice on a variety of legal issues.
Contact 508-979-7150

Other Programs

Grandparents Raising Grandchildren, Inc.

This program provides grandparents with benefit information for health insurance, social services, and parental rights while caring for the needs of their grandchildren. Contact 774-202-0537

Immigrant’s Assistance Center

Provides non-English speaking older adults and their caregivers with case management and outreach to link them to community programs for assistance, including translation. Contact 508-996-8113

PACE/Fuel Assistance

PACE gives fuel to older adults in emergency situations either because they have no fuel or they are facing utility termination.
Contact 508-999-9920

Coastline and many of its programs are funded through contracts from the Commonwealth’s Executive Office of Elder Affairs. Program attendees are able to make voluntary and confidential donations to any program; however, no one will be denied a service if he/she chooses not to donate.

Coastline does not deny delivery of service to any person on the basis of age, color, religion, gender , national origin, ancestry, physical/mental handicaps and sexual orientation, who otherwise meets the eligibility criteria for the respective programs.

Individuals who are dissatisfied with, or who have been denied a Title III services, may file a written complaint with the Area Agency on Aging within 21 business days of the adverse action. Please notify Coastline at 508-999-6400 to obtain a copy of the Grievance Procedure Application.

Join us for the September Soiree on Sept. 20—grab your tickets now!