Age-Friendly New Bedford

About the Movement

The “age-friendly” initiative is a project of AARP and the World Health Organization (WHO) that launched in 2006 and has since expanded to 44 nations. The effort aims to prepare cities and towns for a rapidly aging population and increased urbanization. According to the AARP, an age-friendly community is one that is safe, secure, inclusive, has affordable housing and transportation options, and offers support services. In Massachusetts, 75 towns or cities are designated as age friendly.

As part of achieving the age-friendly designation from the AARP, the City of New Bedford was required to draft an action plan – a document outlining steps the city can take to become a more livable place for everyone. The process began back in 2015 as a joint venture between the City and Coastline. The Tufts Health Plan Foundation awarded Coastline a grant to carry out the action plan.

The effort to make New Bedford a more age-friendly city is divided into seven broad categories, or domains: housing, outdoor spaces and buildings, transportation, community support and health services, social participation, civic participation and employment, and communication and information. More than two dozen people representing various agencies, nonprofits and municipal departments took part in planning and development to ensure that steps in the action plan were implemented.

Resources and Information

How to Talk About Your Loved One’s Cognitive Impairment

  When you suspect that a loved one may be displaying some early signs of a cognitive impairment, it can be difficult to confront that person with your concerns. Exactly how you broach that initial conversation can depend, in part, on your relationship to the...

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Fairhaven COA Director Anne Silvia to Retire

  As the director of the Fairhaven Council on Aging, Anne Silvia has coordinated art projects, launched a cooking show and spent the holidays ensuring her neighbors had a meal despite the pandemic. And now she’s embarking on a new path: retirement. Silvia, who...

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In the Media


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