Coastline is excited to announce we have begun working with a technology company to improve communication with people who use our services and provide more options for submitting feedback to us.
The company, Blooming Health, will assist us in sending important updates, like weather cancellations, to consumers and conduct satisfaction surveys by phone calls and text messages. Communications can be sent in multiple languages.
Feedback we receive will help us better understand the changing needs of older and disabled adults and continue to provide the services needed to live independently.
To kick off the service, Coastline sent a welcome message by text to some of our current consumers on Sept. 17.  We are aware that some of the messaging was unclear, and we are working with Blooming Health to improve communications going forward. Coastline will be sending out a survey to some of our consumers in the coming week. All texts and phone calls will come from our main phone number, 508-999-6400.