Has winter turned into an unending case of the sniffles for you? Do you always know where your box of tissues is during colder months, or are you craving light and more energy in your life?
For many of us, winter is a time to examine the foods our bodies need to help cross the finish line into spring in a healthier, more energetic way, according to Ashley Whewell, nutritionist and registered dietitian at Coastline Elderly Services.
Our physical needs vary by season, Whewell said, noting that winter is an especially good time to pay attention to our immune system and how we can better support it. This complex system helps protect us from the onslaught of infections and viruses that often strike during colder months.
“Certain vitamins during the winter are more important given that we’re probably less active,” Whewell said. “We’re not eating as nutritiously as we do during the summer when we eat a lot more fruit and vegetables.”
“We all get a little more sick in the winter,” Whewell added, “so from those viruses and illnesses.”
Whewell recommends looking to foods first for these beneficial nutrients, before considering supplements. Foods are not only a good source of vitamins, they also offer additional benefits like fiber and antioxidants.
“Food is always better than supplements because, not only is it supplying us with the vitamins and minerals that we need, it’s also helping with overall nutrition. It has other elements to it that are beneficial,” Whewell said.
That doesn’t mean supplements aren’t helpful and, as we age, they may become necessary as our bodies absorb less from the foods we eat.
But, Whewell stressed, “Food is always the first line of defense.”
Here are the top 5 nutrients Whewell recommends to support wellness during winter and the foods that can deliver them to you.
Vitamin D
If there’s one vitamin that should be on everyone’s winter list it’s this one, says Whewell, not just because of its importance to the body but also because exposure to the sun is needed for the body to make vitamin D.
“This is a big one for a lot of people because our vitamin D is usually pretty low in the winter and in New England we don’t get a lot of sun,” Whewell said.
While Vitamin D plays a well-known role in boosting calcium levels in the body — think fortified dairy sources — it also helps build immunity.
“Our immune cells have receptors for vitamin D so it can actually help with the growth and function of many of your immune cells,” Whewell said, noting that this vitamin is beneficial for both the number of immune cells a body has and their ability to do their job well.
“Our immune system declines as we get older, so we’re more susceptible to getting sick,” she continued. “So eating a well-balanced diet with certain food sources that are high in vitamin D can be beneficial.”
Some of the best food sources too boost vitamin D levels include fatty fish like salmon, mackerel, and tuna as well as fish liver oils, Whewell said. Egg yolks and mushrooms are also good options as well as fortified milk and dairy products.
Vitamin D is also one of the vitamins that the body has more trouble absorbing as we age.
“Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin which means it needs healthy fats to help it be absorbed better in our body,” said Whewell. “So for older adults, if they don’t have a lot of the enzymes anymore or their gut absorption isn’t as good as it used to be, a vitamin like that can be harder for them to absorb.”
Whewell suggests asking your physician about your levels of vitamin D to see if you need to consider taking supplements as well as increasing the vitamin D-rich foods you eat.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C may be the go-to vitamin when feeling ill and for good reasons, according to Whewell.
“Vitamin C specifically is an antioxidant, so it can fight off and prevent certain health conditions,” she said.
From a cold-weather perspective, vitamin C is important to the body because it is needed for the body’s healing process.
While citrus is a source of Vitamin C and often one that comes to mind first for many of us, Whewell suggests there are other foods that can be better choices.
“Actually, chili peppers and the yellow sweet bell pepper have more vitamin C than an orange,” she said, adding other foods to try are kiwi, kale, and broccoli.
Zinc is an important mineral that the body doesn’t create on its own, so finding good food sources or supplements is important for a variety of functions including healthy immunity, says Whewell.
“Our body uses zinc to produce immune cells and also uses it to reduce inflammation,” she said.
This means it can help ward off illness and also help us feel better when we are feeling unwell, by reducing the body’s inflammatory response.
There are plenty of good food sources for zinc, according to Whewell, including red meat, shellfish, legumes, pumpkin and sesame seeds and nuts like pine nuts, almonds and cashews.
Vitamin B complex
The B vitamins, which include vitamins B6 and B12, are also important nutrients to add to our diet, especially as a source of improved energy in winter months.
“The B complex vitamins help with energy levels and concentration since in the winter our energy levels are lower,” said Whewell. “We’re not moving as much, so we may feel a little more tired.”
There’s an abundance of food sources for these vitamins such as salmon, leafy greens like spinach or collard greens, and liver and organ meats. For seafood lovers, also try oysters, clams and mussels.
If none of those appeal to you, eggs and milk can help or cereals fortified with B vitamins. These contain healthy amounts of B vitamins too.
Last but not least on the list are probiotics, the microorganisms that support good bacteria in our digestive systems. These are important, Whewell says, because they help our bodies make the best use of all the healthy foods we’re eating.
“Probiotics help to aid in digestion and the absorption of food and nutrients,” she said, “And also help us fight off infections caused by parasites and viruses.”
Some of the best sources are dairy products like yogurts and cottage cheese where microorganisms have been added or fermented foods like sauerkraut, Kimchi, or Miso.
For all of these recommendations, Whewell suggests consulting with your doctor to find out which nutrients you’re low on and plan your food choices accordingly.
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