Senior Scope Feature Articles

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Rosemary Pecans & Eggnog

Season’s Greeting! Nutritionist Stephanie Boulay has two easy items that you want to add to your holiday gathering. An aroma Rosemary Pecans oven roasted along with from scratch Eggnog is sure to be a holiday favorite.

Cauliflour “Fried Rice” & Tropical Bananas

Fact: Chinese food is delicious.  Fact: Chinese food isn’t always a healthy option.  Fact: Every recipe can be made healthier without sacrificing flavor!  Coastlines Executive Assistant, Jessica Peck, helps prepare fried...

Apple & Chicken Spring Rolls and Wonton Dessert Tostada

Spring rolls get a makeover!  Jamie and guest, Patricia Foster who is the Community Mainstream Program Coordinator for Coastline, prepare spring rolls loaded with fresh vegetables and FLAVOR in this episode.  Spring rolls...

Healthy Appetizers to Spice up any Party

Right before Christmas, our dietitian Kim presented three healthy appetizers, on Coastline Cooks, that are perfect for holiday parties. Even though we are now past the holidays, these three appetizers are still a great...

Coastline Cooks — Desserts!

It's fall now, and nothing sounds better than warm desserts accompanied by a hot mug of coffee, tea, or hot chocolate. This Apple Crackle recipe is a great fall dessert, and our dietitian, Kim took the original recipe and...


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