To our incredible community,

This holiday season, as we prepare to gather with family and friends, there is much to be grateful for. The people we serve, the volunteers and partners who support us, the people in our neighborhood – you are all a source of inspiration and motivation.

The New Year provides us with an opportunity to reflect on the past and look toward the future. This year, it has become easier to spot hope on the horizon. There is still much work to be done, and Coastline will continue to do what we have done for nearly 45 years – care for our community. But, through your support and encouragement, we cannot help but feel a renewed sense of optimism as we plan for 2022.

We would like to take this opportunity to say thank you and to wish you and yours a happy holiday season!

Warmest wishes,
Justin Lees
Chief Executive Officer, Coastline

Join us for the September Soiree on Sept. 20—grab your tickets now!