First established in 1963, Older Americans Month is a way for the nation to pay tribute to the many contributions older adults have made to the country and to future generations. Each year the Administration for Community Living (ACL) leads the celebration nationwide and selects a theme for the festivities. This year, that theme is “Make Your Mark.”

The ACL is encouraging older adults to share their stories – whether it’s through a phone call, a Facebook post, a letter, or a conversation with a neighbor over the backyard fence. This directive is especially timely given that Americans have been adapting to life with COVID-19 – as well as the social distancing protocols that have become part of everyday life during the pandemic.

“Stories build community and connect us even when we can’t be physically together,” the ACL wrote on its website. “Looking back at how we got through other tough times can help us manage this challenging time. Sharing what we love about our friends and family members helps them feel stronger and more connected.”

In a typical year, Older Americans Month is celebrated throughout the country with special ceremonies or events. Coastline normally celebrates by hosting a health fair in early May. Due to the ongoing outbreak of COVID-19, Coastline has canceled the event for 2020. The event will return next year.

In the meantime, share your stories and inspire your community. The ACL has also prepared a resource list for ways to stay connected and to unwind, which you can view by clicking here.

Join us for the September Soiree on Sept. 20—grab your tickets now!