Read the May 2021 edition by clicking here. 


Our cover story this month is in honor of Better Speech and Language Month, which is held in May and raises awareness about speech and hearing disorders. We attended a local class that has been meeting regularly since 2015 called Brain Builders. The course, which is hosted by Buzzards Bay Speech Therapy, gives people a place to practice communication skills and challenge their memories.

It’s also a lot of fun! The course is more fun than formal, and after a year of social distancing, the tips and tricks offered throughout the class felt more necessary than ever.

Check out our cover story and much more in the latest issue of Senior Scope. Visit Senior Scope‘s website by clicking here.

Happy Older Americans Month!

Each May, the Administration for Community Living (ACL) celebrates Older Americans Month. This year’s theme, “Communities of Strength” highlights the important role older adults play in building strong, resilient communities. As with past years, the ACL is encouraging the public to share their stories because “hearing how others experience the world helps us grow.”

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