Age Friendly New Bedford is a partnership between the city of New Bedford, Coastline, community-based organizations, and volunteers: all working together to improve economic, environmental, and social conditions for residents of all ages and abilities.
Accomplishments by Category
UNITED FOR AGING WELL: A Regional Legislative Breakfast
Find documents and information related to this March 14 event.
WEP repeal will increase benefits for some public employees
Biden repealed Windfall Elimination Provision and Government Pension Offset.
Boost your immunity with these nutrient-rich foods
Try these nutrient-rich foods to boost immunity during winter months.
Local rail connections will be a game-changer for the region
MBTA commuter rail service to New Bedford to start in March
Site Manager
Coastline is accepting resumes for a part-time Site Manager at one of its nutrition operation sites.
Home Care Secretary
Coastline is accepting resumes for a Home Care Secretary position.
40-hours Bi-weekly Meals on Wheels Driver using Company-owned Vehicle
Coastline is accepting resumes for a 40-hours Bi-weekly Meals on Wheels driver.
Heart disease and strategies for heart health for American Heart Month
Cardiologist describes risks of heart disease, symptoms to be aware of, and strategies for better health.
Beyond Posting: How social media can help older adults socialize
Groups like Southeastern MA Female Friends Over 50 help older adults make new friends
Older adults weigh AI benefits against concerns of scams and fraud
AI makes it harder to detect scams, particularly for those less familiar with technology.
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